
Why choose TifTuf for your new lawn?!

There are always fun and quirky names when it comes to turf, from the 'Sirs' to the 'Couches' (pronounced coooch, by the way) to the 'Tahoma 31s'. But when it comes to drought-prone or more challenging locations, you need to know only one quirky name: TifTuf.

You see, in a world of 'Smart things'; smartphones, and smart TVs, TifTuf is like the smart grass; sure, it can't turn the lights on and off for you or do the dishes, but it can grow well in full sun, part sun, when there's nice weather (hello afternoon showers), and when there's crappy weather (hello scorching drought). 

You might wonder how it got so smart; the magic is in the research and testing process. A turf like TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda is created when one of the world's top research universities (University of Georgia) spends nearly 25 years testing and tinkering to find what some may argue is the perfect grass.

TifTuf has been hand-selected out of almost 30,000 different Bermuda varieties! It was chosen after years of trial and observation of its superior qualities in drought tolerance, wear tolerance and winter colour. It needed to survive these tests, still, look great, and feel beautiful underfoot…and it did.

If that wasn't enough to convince you this turf is the intelligent choice, perhaps some more recent research from the Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI) will convince you. The STRI conducts world-leading testing and research for developing innovative techniques and products to improve turfgrass and sports surfaces. They recently conducted a trial evaluating the "Performance of Bermuda grass cultivars under different shade, irrigation and wear treatments". TifTuf was a clear stand-out performer in this trial! You can read that full report here.

TifTuf Fast Facts:

  • Its drought hardy, needing less water than most varieties - requiring on average 38% less water than other varieties.
  • It is a fast-growing grass, perfect if you want luscious growth (less ideal if you hate mowing the lawn).
  • It holds its winter colour well, meaning it looks excellent when other grasses have started to turn brown.
  • Has good wear tolerance (hello, dogs and kids!) - Brisbane City Council use TifTuf in the dog off-leash areas in some of their parks around Brisbane. It's also used around the "Brisbane" sign in Southbank Parklands because of its wear tolerance.
  • Has been extensively researched and tested and consistently outperforms other Bermuda and couch varieties.
  • It is a good-looking grass with a delicate leaf blade and dark green, so good looking in fact, it was used on the TV Show "The Block" in the last season. 

So, if you're looking for a new lawn and just can't quite decide what's right for you, TifTuf may be the perfect all-around lawn and precisely what you're looking for.

 Want TifTuf for your yard or project? Get your free quote here.

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